by Art Hendela
Copyright 2012 Hendela System Consultants, Inc.

Social media today keeps you in touch with friends and customers while allowing you to create web content at the same time. Programs such as Facebook and Linkedin let you share your own topics that others can comment on and discuss. The perception of others is formed from what you say, and how you discuss it. If done correctly, social media can build a trusting relationship and a valued partner.
Creating a business Facebook page is easy. After creating a personal account, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “create a page”. You will be given a choice of what kind of page you would like. To add a page for your business, select “Company, Organization, or Institution”. Now your business is ready to establish a social presence on the internet.
There are many benefits to having a business page on Facebook. The first is that any new content that you create can be linked directly to your main website. These new links are a powerful way to influence search engines to give you a better position in the search results. Better search position is a straightforward method to raising your web visibility. Customers can provide feedback on your products and services to help you strengthen your brand. Social Media is an efficient advertising investment. It can be focused towards qualified prospects based on what those prospects put in their own personal profiles. Social media sites also use what people discuss to determine which advertisements are shown at any given time.
The drawback to using a social media site is that it takes time. You must create fresh content and respond to customers’ comments on a daily basis and keep updated with social matters. Posting must be monitored carefully and if a mistake is made, the situation must be handled with sensitivity. Even with these pitfalls, social media has the potential to put your message in the hands of prospects unlike any other method.
About the Author
Art Hendela is President and owner of Hendela System Consultants, Inc of Little Falls, NJ. Hendela System Consultants, Inc. helps its customers build profits from their websites through custom websites, surveys, search engine optimization processes and custom web applications built in ASP.NET and SQL Server. Art has been helping businesses large and small since 1988. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, a Masters of Science in Computer Science, and is a part-time PhD candidate (ABD) in Information Systems at New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is married to the former Vega Bjorndal and has two sons, Martin and Karl. His outside activities include coaching youth soccer, basketball, and baseball. You may reach Art at 973-890-0324.